Good things come in threes – is that what they say?
Last Sunday was Trinity Sunday, so I’ve been thinking about that mystery lately. And I imagine that these three flowers sprang from the same bulb, so three-in-one, right? Another mystery is, how did that bulb get there, in a giant pot filled with succulents? Someone must have dropped it in, having no idea of my discovery years later.
Seeds sprout in surprising ways
Our little patio is a source of joy to me, as I am always making new discoveries of the results of seeds floating on the wind or being dropped randomly among already growing plants. Now that I think about it, we have an endless supply of crows that probably leave little gifts to surprise us in the next season.
What seeds are we planting?
It’s useful to think about what “seeds” we are planting that may not develop and grow for a long time. Personally, I like to see immediate results of my pursuits, don’t you? But I am learning that good things are worth taking time to develop and perseverance will bring results if I will just be patient.
We can also think of our words as seeds, especially words we share with children. It’s important to realize the influence we have on future generations, whether for good or harm. I have strong memories of words spoken by favorite teachers and coaches.
Some Practices I am learning
This year, during Lent, I observed some practices that helped me chill a bit and stop rushing things. Here are three that relate to seeds:
- FAST from certainty, EMBRACE mystery and waiting.
- FAST from speed and rushing, EMBRACE slowness and pausing.
- FAST from planning and deadlines, EMBRACE unfolding and ripening.
There are 6 of these practices, one for each week in Lent. I focused on each one of these statements for a week, then moved on to the next one. If you would like to see the whole list, contact me and I will send it to you.
“Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness.” II Corinthians 9:10
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