Snowy Sunset in Julian, CA

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Catch the Light

This scene is in Julian, California. It’s just high enough in elevation to get some snow each winter. But it doesn’t last long – you have to enjoy the moment. Fresh snow is especially captivating. I love how it looks before any footprints or tire tracks have left their mark.

Dark winter days leave me pining for light. So, when I see the play of light on snow, or a flower, or a mountain, I run to capture it. But there is beauty in every stage – from dakness to full sunshine.

What does this say about our spiritual lives or mental health? Look up – be watchful for when the light appears. Be aware of those momentary glimpses of glory.

Isaiah 9:2 says, “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.”

See this photo on wall art, apparel, phone cases and other objects HERE.

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