This is a scene that has much spiritual significance for me. 20 years ago I was sitting in that spot and it was the first time I experienced what they call a “thin place.” As I sat there and contemplated the still water and the tiny waterfalls, surrounded by a cathedral of immense rock walls, I felt the presence of God like I never had before. As it was the end of summer, the waterfall that fed this pool was barely perceptible, but the pool was there just the same. Even now, as I stare at this photo, I am taken back to that moment. Sometimes I have imagined this scene as a focus for Centering Prayer. Please continue reading past all the photos to see suggestions for your own contemplation.
The scene above is in Zion National Park, and this photo was captured by my husband, Mark Turner. This trip happened before I started learning about photography, so I am sharing Mark’s photo here. Now, because of physical limitations, I haven’t gotten many waterfall photos myself, so I will share a few taken by my daughter-in-law, Lori Turner. It’s great to have an artistic family!

This photo is from Falls Creek Falls, TN. I wish I could have been there to experience the enormity of sight and sound. The next two photos were captured in Kosovo. I may never go there, but thanks to Lori’s thoughtfulness, I can get a glimpse of the majesty.

Thoughts to Contemplate
As you view all these photos, try to imagine coming around the bend to finally see the source of the roaring you have been hearing as you got closer. Imagine that roar and let it block out all the other sounds around you to focus on your true self, just as you are, loved by God.
On the top photo, which is a quieter one, think of the still, small voice that Elijah heard. Look up I Kings 19:11-13. “The LORD said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the LORD, for the LORD is about to pass by.”
See what you think about the idea that the Lord was not in the wind, or the earthquake, or the fire. After the fire came a gentle whisper. Then Elijah knew the LORD was speaking to him. It tells me that we need to find enough silence in our lives to be able to hear the whisper, or the still, small voice.
From Stillness to Abundance
Thinking back to Lent 2023, I adopted a practice of fasting from some types of thoughts and embracing others, with a new one each week. The one that was the most meaningful for me was “Fast from anxiety over scarcity; embrace radical trust in abundance.” There was a new practice for each week, and it really did take a week to get those ideas into my mind and spirit. This one has remained with me, as anxiety over scarcity is something that has plagued me for a long time. I encourage you to try it.
As 2023 was nearing the end, we had new reasons for anxiety, threats to our security. But radically trusting in abundance proved true, as we had a very abundant end to the year. Now we look forward to what God will do in the mystery that lies ahead. (If you would like the list of Lenten practices, just ask.)
So, I invite you to contemplate the stillness, and the abundance of these images, and embrace radical trust in abundance. You are welcome to share your thoughts in the comments.
2 responses to “From Stillness to Abundance”
Donna, radical trusting in His abundance speaks to me, as we consider our budget for this year. I can relate to sitting by the flowing water in the first picture, as that is what I imagine when I do mindfulness meditation. I can hear the water gently flowing by and the birds singing and really feel God’s presence!
That sounds like my experience. I’m so glad you can relate. Thanks for mentioning birds. That’s a very special part of being outdoors for me. I love birds!
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