Lenten Reflections

posted in: Lent, Photography, Visio Divina | 0

I love seeing sunsets through bare branches, and this one was a “take your breath away” moment when I looked out the back window and had to run outside to capture this beauty.

Last year, 2023, I came across a list of practices for Lent. There was a different suggestion for each of the 6 weeks. Doing this made such a difference for me that I continued all through the year. And even now those practices have a special place on my bulletin board. So I want to share this list for your consideration:

Lenten Practices

  1. FAST from multitasking and inattention; EMBRACE full presence to the moment.
  2. FAST from anxiety over scarcity; EMBRACE radical trust in abundance. (My favorite)
  3. FAST from speed and rushing; EMBRACE slowness and pausing.
  4. FAST from strength and holding it all together; EMBRACE tenderness and vulnerability.
  5. FAST from planning and deadlines; EMBRACE unfolding and ripening.
  6. FAST from certainty; EMBRACE mystery and waiting.

Giving Up or Taking On

These suggestions go along with the tradition of fasting during Lent. I have also been hearing about the idea of not just “giving up” something, but also of “taking on” a better alternative. So, whatever you do in this season, be intentional about tuning in to your true self and your connection with the Creator.

Ash Wednesday Short Art Film

For Ash Wednesday, my husband Mark made a short film to be played in church while people were waiting and praying. Some of my photos were included in this 11-minute meditative film. Make sure you have the sound turned up – there is original music, some of it based on Gregorian chant. Peace to you this Holy Season.

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