The Passion of Jesus in a Flower

Passion Flower

When I first discovered this flower I had no idea what it was called, or that there were centuries of stories and legends associated with it. I just thought it was beautiful. Before I go into detail, I ask you to simply stare at this flower, and wait for your own story to appear. Breathe, and wait.

Now, you may be wondering why this is called the Passion Flower. It refers to the Passion of Jesus – or what happened on Good Friday. (See Matthew 26 & 27) As far back as the 1500’s, Roman Catholic priests had developed the story of the Passion Flower. They even used it as a teaching tool in the New World.

Ten Apostles (?)

The priests proposed that the five petals, and five sepals should represent the 10 apostles. (The two missing apostles are Judas the betrayer and Peter, who denied Christ that evening.)

Crown of Thorns +

The wavy circle of thin rays were said to represent the crown of thorns placed on Jesus’ head during his trial. The three stigmas at the top are reminiscent of the three nails holding Jesus to the cross.

Only One Day

These beautiful flowers die after only one day – the same length of time Jesus spent on the cross. If you would like to spend more time meditating on Jesus’ Passion, there is a short film you could watch to help you think and pray. My husband, Mark Turner, just made it (with a little help from me).

Keep in mind, Good Friday is not the end of the story. Just as Jesus did not stay in the tomb for long, we also can break out of whatever is binding us, holding us back, and experience New Life. I wish you a blessed Holy Week and a wonderful Easter!

  1. Thanks for reading and experiencing the mountains with me. I will think of you when I get my first whiff…